Some Nice Ground Rules
Nothing against the well-meaning words of support but for some reason it doesn't seem to help and is becoming more annoying than anything else for some reason. And please help out afterwards, as we try to forget about the bar exam as soon as possible by never reminding us of how the summer of '06 was spent.
And, don't ask me when results come back.
I'm not telling anybody, including my parents, because I don't want people nagging me about them. My parents would be the type to call me a week before they come out and be like, "Only one more week!" Then I'd be forced to hang up on them.
7/22/2006 4:29 AM
I think the worts thing I keep hearing over and over again is, "Oh I have no doubts you'll pass, you'll be fine." Um thanks, but what if I don't? I would much rather hear everyone say that they won't think of less of me if I don't pass.
7/22/2006 6:51 AM
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