Experiences and thoughts on taking the July 2006 Bar Exam

Friday, July 21

Some Great Quotes About The Bar

The bar exam, however, is not law school, and it is not the practice of law. It is a contorted alternate universe where mediocre and good enough are the proven roads to success. As such, now is the time to stop trying to be perfect and to get comfortable with your mediocrity.
--David Galalis, Massachusetts

Like the Super Bowl the key is not to bury the opposition but to play not to lose. Not going to matter if you passed by 1 point or 100 points. Nobody will know or care. I think the 2 keys are reading and not freaking out. This is a mind game. So don't fall for it. Relax focus and visualize.
--John Davidson

My biggest fear about the bar exam was the number of people who were convinced it would not be difficult for me. While I mostly agreed with the assessment, I was worried about the effect of that assumption proving invalid.
--Darrell G. Stewart, San Antonio, Texas


Blogger She says said...

Here's a comment I made at Res Ipsa Eloquent:
The other thing that drove me absolutely bat-shit crazy was everyone telling me not to worry, that they knew I would pass. Yeah, well, easy to say when you're on the other side of the bar or have never taken it. I didn't have that confidence -- and it felt like that much more pressure for all of my colleagues, family, etc. to take it as a given that I would pass. Like, what kind of idiot would I be if I didn't? Eeeks.

So, here's the thing... the bar is not about knowing all the law. It's about gaming the exam. That's why Barbri is useful. They do teach you many of the games. Also, the bar is a marathon -- both prep and taking it. It requires huge amounts of stamina, so don't beat up on yourself for anything now. Self-indulge where you need to; do whatever you need to get through this -- and don't feel guilty. This is what you need to do now. And everyone understands that.

Hang in there!

7/21/2006 9:24 PM


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