Experiences and thoughts on taking the July 2006 Bar Exam

Friday, July 28

The Next Few Months Are Going To Be A BItch

The day before the bar exam I spoke with one of my aunts who wanted to wish me good luck but also said, "You better pass." A buddy of mine, after the first day was over, got, "How did you do?" and "Did you know all of the answers?" After the bar was over the first question my mom asked me was, "How are you?" second question "So how did you do?" third question "Did you know all of the questions?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how people who love us have no understanding about what happened to us this week. Cheers! Leyla

7/28/2006 11:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, how did you guys do?

Did you know all the answers?

: )


I'm also sick of hearing "Don't worry, you'll pass." Even more so than I was BEFORE the exam.

Well, good luck to everyone. Don't worry, you'll pass.

7/28/2006 12:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The comment that pissed me off the most when I had just finished was "Don't worry, you're smart. I'm sure you passed." Yeah. Because that's what the Bar Exam tested, intelligence.

7/28/2006 1:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. I know that long, long wait. And I know the heaps and heaps of questions you endure, too.

7/28/2006 3:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get over yourselves. I took the exam too, but I'm not going to spend the next 3-4 months feeling sorry for myself and thinking nobody understands me. It's a freakin' test, take it, move on with your life. If you failed, big deal, you're not going to end up on skid row because you didn't pass the bar... look at the mayor of Los Angeles.

7/29/2006 3:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous who said " its a test move on." is right on the money. but what if you have to take it a third time. i mean where does the line of masiscm (ie bar exam taking) get drawn? all my friends convently are doing their own thing this weekend. and i was ready to party, go out, do something, anything that didnt involve a negligent tortfeasor who falls into his storage tank filled with manuer. how do you decompress post bar exam

3/01/2008 8:55 PM


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