Experiences and thoughts on taking the July 2006 Bar Exam

Friday, July 28

Blah Blah Blah

yaz: I dont know what kind of mood I am in
yaz: Just a blah mood
Bruin7089: have to find something to do
Bruin7089: and not just something
yaz: No shit
yaz: This is day one and I want to go crazy
Bruin7089: for the past two months we've had a goal to accomplish and scheduled our days around that goal
Bruin7089: so now you have to find a new goal
yaz: Yeah it is almost an emotional let down


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...I am feeling like Crap today too. It's nice to know someone out there is having similiar experiances

7/28/2006 5:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey --I just wanted to say the Texas Essay questions where so stupid ...some of them where not even plausable! Like a kid adopted but not actually adopted CPS would be busting down the door. The rest where the same. I think that the bar examiners if really testing "minimuim competancy" would test things that are at least plausible!
I just wanted to rant!

7/29/2006 11:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really is. It's like this climactic build-up and then...nothing. Dead air.

8/10/2006 10:08 AM

Blogger gaelen said...

have you put this blog to rest now that you're done with the bar?

8/29/2006 4:20 PM

Blogger W said...

Yes or at least until bar results are about to be released. Of course, I may still post on occassion at my other blog.

8/29/2006 6:58 PM


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