They Really Have No Clue: By "They" I Mean Those Who Haven't Taken the Bar Exam
I was asked today by one of my aunts if I was ready for the bar exam.
“What if I don’t pass?” I asked my eight-year-old daughter.Click to find out how this story ends.
“Then you won’t be able to be a lawyer?” she wondered.
“You can do something else,” she said, “There are help wanted signs all over the place. I saw one in the bakery.”
I hate "They"! I went to the vitamin store today wearing my law school tee shirt and the manager was superimpressed. I said I had just graduated so he asked when the bar was. I said July and he was like, "Wow. So soon. Are you taking any practice tests?" I just said yes and didn't get into the whole bar review thing b/c I just didn't want to go there.
6/17/2006 3:33 PM
My brother seems to think that I can take it whenever I want, like a driving exam. Each email starts with something like, have you gone to take your test yet? I have explained it so many times that he must know by now and he is simply screwing with me. Which is just as bad.
6/17/2006 4:54 PM
Everytime I talk to my dad, he says something to the effect of: "I just don't see what the big deal is...I mean, you just took all these subjects in law school for the past three years. You should be ready."
6/17/2006 5:38 PM
quit your whining. it's just a test, hardly unlike so many other multiple choice tests and law school exams you have taken before. 3/4 of you will pass, and who will and who will not probably has already been determined through your three years of law school (and simply by your intelligence level and natural test-taking ability). go to the beach for a few days. relaxation is the best preparation.
6/17/2006 8:36 PM
Preparing for the bar exam is very similar to preparing to be executed. There's a lot of stress, never enough time, and as the actual date approaches, the clock just seems to move faster and faster. Good luck.
6/17/2006 9:54 PM
Every time I talk to my Dad, he says "Don't worry, you're smart, you'll pass." Which implies that if I don't pass, he will no longer consider me smart. No pressure.
"They" shouldn't be allowed to talk to you while you're studying for the exam. Would be nice if "they" had a "mute" button.
6/18/2006 9:00 PM
Great blog! Another "they" comment (from my little brother): "When's your test? Not till the end of July? Oh, you have PLENTY of time!". Sheesh!
6/20/2006 4:05 AM
I take the bar tomorrow. "They" keep calling to wish me luck. STOP CALLING
7/24/2006 4:56 PM
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